TAG DAY - September 9, 2023

What is Tag Day?

Tag Day is the biggest single-day fundraiser for the West Potomac Performing Arts department. Students go door-to-door (in groups of 4 with a parent driver) in the West Potomac community asking for donations to the performing arts programs. We send the students out in two shifts (11:15-1:30 and 2:00-4:00) with a free pizza lunch in between. Students should work both shifts if possible…the more shifts we staff the more money we earn! Students sign up for this via a Google Form the received from their teacher. Students and parents from Marching Band and Color Guard, Choir, Orchestra, and Guitar participate in this great event. Band organizes, and has set up a website with an FAQ, Tips for Drivers and Tips for Teams. https://www.wolverineband.com/tag-day

Students: Grab a team of 3-4 performing arts students, and plan to work a shift or two. You will be fed in between shifts. Each performing arts department gets a pro rata share of Tag Day proceeds, based on the number of students and shifts that are worked. If you, as a student work the morning and the afternoon shift, then that counts for two when the funds are divided up. While Tag Day is not mandatory, we highly encourage everyone to participate and support the program.

Parents: We are going to need parent drivers for the day. This is an easy way to help support the program. We also need one representative from choir to help count money as it comes in. This job can be split between afternoon and morning. There are additional ways to help out. Check out this list of additional volunteer needs and sign up:  https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C084FA4AA23A6F8C61-tagday#/ 

Schedule for the day?

First shift:

10:30: Arrive at West Potomac and head to the Springbank Auditorium

10:50: Select your first neighborhood and gather supplies

11:05: Depart school with your group

11:15-1:30: Go door-to-door in your selected neighborhood(s)

~1:15-1:45: Pizza lunch...refuel for shift two!

Second shift:

1:00: Arrive at West Potomac (students and parents who did not participate in first shift need to report to the auditorium)

1:45: Select your neighborhood and gather supplies, head out!

2:00-4:15: Go door-to-door in your selected neighborhood(s)

4:15-4:30: Arrive back to school, turn in your supplies and money gathered, head home!


Fall Concert