Contact Choir Boosters:

Welcome to West Potomac HS Chorus 2024-25.   We’re looking forward to a wonderful year with all of the new and old chorus groups.  These are interesting times we are in, but with that we look forward to all the new things our Chorus season will accomplish.  We can only do this with your assistance.  Join the Chorus Boosters and be a part of your child’s chorus experience. 

2023-24 Booster Board

President: Heather Johnson

Vice President: Erin Schwartzman

Secretary: Jenna Fournel

Treasurer: Geoff Schwartzman

Are you interested in volunteering for a board position? Nominations for the 2025-26 Booster Board will start in January, with voting to take place in April / May. If you are interested in shadowing a position please let us know. You can shadow the current board member to know what you will be doing and be ready to step in.

Choir Boosters typically meet monthly on the last Wednesday of each month at 6:30pm via Zoom. All are welcome to attend. Links will be added soon.

August 26 @ 6:30pm

September 25th @ 6:30 PM
October 30th @ 6:30 PM
November 20th @ 6:30 PM
*December meeting TBD
January 29th @ 6:30 PM
February 26st @ 6:30 PM
March 26th @ 6:30 PM
April 30th @ 6:30 PM
May 28th @ 6:30 PM
June meeting TBD

Below is from 2023-2024 School Year

September 20

Meeting Minutes

October 12

Agenda Meeting Minutes

November 9

Meeting Minutes

December 7

Agenda Meeting Minutes

January 11


Boosters Bylaws are here